Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of SlaveryDocuments
The Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery held its 9th session from 26 to 30 January 2004 at the Palais Wilson. The Board reviewed the financial situation of the Fund, the implementation of the decisions approved by the Secretary-General in 2003 and met with several staff members working with relevant mandates. It also adopted recommendations on: - applications for travel grants to allow NGO representatives, including victims of contemporary forms of slavery, to attend the 2004 session of the Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery; - and project grants received from grassroots NGOs for the implementation of their projects in 2004 in favor of victims of contemporary forms of slavery. The fund was established by the General Assembly in 1991 (RES. 46/122) with the purpose of assisting non-governmental organizations dealing with contemporary forms of slavery to participate in the deliberations of the Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery and to provide, through the established channels of assistance, humanitarian, legal and financial aid to individuals victims of such violations. The Fund is administered through a Board of Trustees of five members. At
its 9th session, in January 2004, the Board of Trustees made recommendations
for travel and project grants totaling approximately US$180,700 to
be disbursed in 2004. Taking into consideration the requests received
in 2004 and that the Board recommended for expenditure almost all
money available at its 9th session, in the Board's view, in order
to be able to fulfill its mandate satisfactorily, the Fund would need
an amount of US$325,000 before its 10th session scheduled to take
place from 24th to 28th of January 2005. The Fund is administered in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations by the Secretary-General, with the advice of a Board of Trustees. The mandate of the Board is to advise the Secretary-General on the use of funds, through the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Board is composed of five persons with relevant experience in the field of human rights, and contemporary forms of slavery in particular, serving in their personal capacity. The members of the Board are appointed by the Secretary-General, in consultation with the current Chairman of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, with due regard to equitable geographical distribution, for three-year renewable terms. The current
five members of the Board are Swami Agnivesh, (Chairman, India), Mr.
Cheikh Saad-Bouh Kamara (Mauritania), Ms. Tatiana Matveeva (Russian
Federation), Mr. José de Souza Martins (Brazil) and Mr. Theo
van Boven (The Netherlands). According to the criteria established by the General Assembly in its resolution 46/122, the beneficiaries of assistance from the Fund shall be: (i) representatives from non- governmental organizations dealing with issues of contemporary forms of slavery a) who are so considered by the Board of Trustees; b) who would not, in the opinion of Board, be able to attend the sessions of the Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery without the assistance provided by the Fund; c) who would be able to contribute to a deeper knowledge on the part of the Working Group of the problems relating to contemporary forms of slavery; (ii) individuals whose human rights have been severely violated as a result of contemporary forms of slavery and who are so considered by the Board. In addition, the Board has developed other practices and guidelines which are reflected in the application form. For further
information on contemporary forms of slavery you may wish to consult
and E/CN.4/Sub.2/2000/3/Add.1 Application forms for travel and project grants have to be submitted by 15 September 2004 for analysis by the secretariat of the Fund. Admissible applications are examined by the Board of Trustees at its annual session in January/February. The Board adopts recommendations for approval of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on behalf of the Secretary-General. The grants are paid in March/April. Beneficiaries have to provide satisfactory narrative and financial reports on the use of project grants. Until satisfactory reports on the use of previous grants are received, no new grant can be considered. The ninth session of the Board of Trustees was held at the Palais Wilson in Geneva from 26 to 30 January 2004. The Board
considered 31 applications for travel grants to allow representatives
of non-governmental organizations to attend the 29th session of the
Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery and 49 applications for
project grants. Also the Board recommended the payment of US$150,700 for 20 project grants to be distributed before its tenth session, scheduled to be held in January 2005. The Board
held its annual meeting with regular and new donor Governments and other
Governments interested. At that meeting frank and useful exchanges of
views took place. The Board encouraged greater participation of representatives
in future meetings. The Board also met with the Chief of the RRDB Branch and the OHCHR Administration to discuss the developments in the UN system concerning Trust Funds within the context of the Secretary-General's report "Strengthening of the United Nations: an agenda for further change" (A/57/387 and Corr.1). In this respect, the Board was called to contribute to the discussions on the future of the Funds. The Board was also briefed by the Resource Mobilization Unit on OHCHR's fund raising policy. Under the agenda item devoted to the developments in the UN system concerning relevant mandates, the Board heard presentations concerning the OHCHR trafficking project and the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and pornography. A member from UNESCO Paris addressed the Board and provided information on the activities concerning the International Year to commemorate the struggle against slavery and its abolition proclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution 57/195 of 18 December 2002. The representative of UNESCO expressed interest in a future collaboration between the Board and Fund and his organization. On 30 January, the Chairman of the Board attended a press conference at the United Nations Office in Geneva to brief the media representatives on the activities of the Fund and on the situation of contemporary forms of slavery in the world. The Board welcomed the interest expressed by the media on the Fund. All the
recommendations adopted by the Board of Trustees at its 9th session
have been approved by the High Commissioner for Human Rights on behalf
of the Secretary-General on 23 February 2004. The Secretary-General reports annually to the General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights on the activities of the Fund and of its Board of Trustees. The latest
reports by the Secretary-General were those to the General Assembly
and to the Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/2004/78)
and (E/CN.4/2004/78/Add.1).
According to resolution 46/122, the Fund can receive contributions from Governments, non-governmental organizations and other private or public entities. Contributions received from 20 April 1993 to 25 April 2004 [1]
Governments, non-governmental organizations and other private or public entities can contribute to the Fund. For information on how to contribute, you are kindly requested to contact the secretariat of the Fund. GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 46/122 OF 17 DECEMBER 1991
General Assembly, Recalling Econmic and Social Council decisions 16 (LVI) and 17 (LVI) of
17 May 1974, by which it authorized the Subcommission
on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of
Minorities to establish a Working Group on Slavery,
renamed the Working Group on contemporary Forms
of Slavery by the Commission on Human Rights in
its resolution 1988/42 of 3 March 1988. |
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